Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 is about social bookmarking web sites. The main web site mentioned in the text is Furl, which I must admit I never heard of, but then again I had also never heard of social bookmarking. It is an interesting idea however. For example, if I am doing a research project on dolphins, I can use the site to look up what web sites other people have bookmarked on dolphins as well. So instead of working alone to find information, I can use the help of other people as well. It seems like it could be a good tool in the classroom to help make research that much easier.

1 comment:

Kyle Hamilton said...

These were my thoughts exactly. I just thought the social bookmarking reminded me of an older brother handing down research he previously did to his little brother, who is now doing the same assignment a few years later.